Ford Fiesta: Handles, Locks, Latches and Entry Systems / Exterior Front Door Handle. Removal and Installation
LH side shown, RH side similar.
Remove the access plug and loosen the exterior front door handle retaining screw.
Remove the exterior front door handle cover and if equipped the front door lock cylinder.
Remove the exterior front door handle cover.
If equipped.
Remove the front door lock cylinder.
Vehicles without keyless entry
Remove the exterior front door handle.
Pull the exterior front door handle outward.
Remove the exterior front door handle.
Vehicles with keyless entry
Position aside the exterior front door handle.
Pull the exterior front door handle outward.
Position aside the exterior front door handle.
Position the wiring harnass outside the opening to gain access to the electrical connector.
Exterior front door handle and exterior front door handle reinforcement shown removed for clarity.
Disconnect the exterior front door handle electrical connector and remove the exterior front door handle.
To install, reverse the removal procedure.
With the ignition in OFF, press the LOCK and UNLOCK buttons on the RKE transmitter simultaneously for 4 seconds.
The turn signals flash twice to indicate the mode change...
LH side shown, RH side similar.
Remove the access plug and loosen the exterior rear door handle retaining screw...
Other information:
Removal steps in this procedure may contain installation details.
With the vehicle in NEUTRAL, position it on a hoist.
Refer to: Jacking and Lifting - Overview (100-02 Jacking and Lifting, Description and Operation)...
B1413:11 and B1413:93
Refer to Wiring Diagrams Cell 46 for schematic and connector information.
Normal Operation and Fault Conditions
The RCM monitors the LH front impact severity sensor circuits for the following faults:
Open circuit
Short to voltage
Short to ground
Faulted LH front impact severity sensor
If a fault is detecte..