Ford Fiesta Manuals

Ford Fiesta: Module Configuration / Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description. Description and Operation

Ford Fiesta 2014 - 2019 Service Manual / Electrical Distribution / Module Configuration / Module Configuration - System Operation and Component Description. Description and Operation

System Operation

Programmable Module Installation (PMI)

PMI is a scan tool process which configures settings in a new module. Data used for the PMI process is automatically downloaded from the original module and stored when a scan tool session is started. If this data cannot be retrieved from the module being replaced, the scan tool may prompt for As-Built data entry or display a list of parameter values that need to be manually selected. Some modules are reprogrammed during PMI when a strategy/calibration update is available.

It is important that the scan tool identifies the vehicle and obtains configuration data prior to removing any modules. The new module must be able to communicate with the scan tool in order to carry out PMI .

Module Programming

Module reprogramming (also referred to as "flashing") is a scan tool process which updates the strategy/calibration in a module. Reprogramming a module with the same level of software does not improve module operation or repair a hardware failure. Module reprogramming is automatically carried out during PMI when a later strategy/calibration is available.

Limit module reprogramming to circumstances where a published TSB procedure recommends doing so.

A module cannot communicate with other modules on the communication network while being reprogrammed. After the reprogramming process, clear any network communication Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTCs) which may have been set in other modules.

Some modules are reprogrammed in coordination with other modules. Follow the IDS key cycling instructions carefully to avoid reprogramming errors, including failure of programming one or more of the modules.

Programmable Parameters

Programmable parameters are customer preference items that may be modified by the dealer via the scan tool or in some cases, modified by the customer following a procedure listed in the Owner's Literature. While many configuration options may exist for a module, only a few of these options are programmable parameters. Some parameters must be changed in multiple modules at the same time.

Adaptive Learning and Calibration

Some modules require a separate learning procedure be carried out if replaced as part of a repair procedure. For adaptive learning and calibration instructions, refer to the specific module removal and installation procedures.

Vehicle Identification (VID) Block

Vehicle identification block commonly stores powertrain configuration items such as VIN , tire size, axle ratio, and whether or not the vehicle is equipped with cruise control.

As-Built Data

As-Built data is a VIN -specific module configuration record. During vehicle build, the configuration from all modules is downloaded and stored in the As-Built database. As-Built data does not reflect customer preference items that have been changed from the default state. These items need to be changed using programmable parameters after the module is configured.

It is not necessary to obtain As-Built data unless directed to do so by the scan tool. This data may be accessed from the technician service publication web site.

Module Configuration and Parameter Chart

The chart describes specific module configuration information:


Module Name Programmable Module Installation (PMI) Available Reprogram/Flash Capable Requires Adaptive Learning or Calibration Available Progammable Parameters
ABS module (Stability control and hill start assist) Yes Yes
  • IVD initialization
  APIM Yes Yes No None
  ACM Yes Yes No
  • Audio presets
  BCM Yes Yes No
  • Automatic locking/unlocking by speed enable/disable
  • Tire size
  FCDIM No Yes No None
  FCIM No Yes No None
  GPSM Yes Yes No None
HVAC module No Yes No None
  IPC Yes Yes No
  • Automatic locking/unlocking by speed enable/disable
  • Tire size
  OCSM No Yes
  • Seat weight sensor re-zero
  PSCM No Yes No None
  PCM Yes Yes No None
RFA module No Yes No None
  RCM Yes Yes No None
  TCM Yes Yes Yes None

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